Russia has been honored to host the 2018 FIFA World Football Cup. While this giant organization brought significant prestige, it has also brought along a serious infrastructure and complex requirement. Although the Olympic Games are realized within a circle of 200 km in general, it is a project where preparation and implementation is easier as compared to the World Cup. In the World Cup the need for 12 different stadiums in 11 different cities renders the project much more difficult. A country, that will host the World Cup, in addition to the construction of stadiums, is obliged to facilitate the transportation to the hotels where fans, media and officials from the world of sports will accommodate. On the other hand, air and land way infrastructures must comply with the standards.
Meanwhile, the fact that Russia has hosted the Sochi Olympics in 2014 has provided a great advantage during the preparations for the World Cup. The 2014 Sochi Olympics has been an experience and source of great pride not only for Russia but also for MEKA. MEKA has supported the reparations of the 2014 Winter Olympics
Although the need for certain infrastructures and facilities are undeniable within the scope of the World Cup, the must in this project are the stadiums. From 12 stadiums that will be used in the 2018 World Cup, 6 are being re-constructed. One of the new stadiums, the “Yubileiniy Stadium” is being implemented in the city of Saransk. Once the Saransk Stadium is completed, in addition to being the biggest building in the city, it will also draw attention by the recreation facilities and buildings built right next to it that will allow various activitie.
The stadium is being constructed in the form of a flying and rising sun inspired by the legends of the people of Mordovia.
This project, which is of a great significance not only for Russia and Saransk, but also for the whole world, demands full force and efficiency principles from the contractors. MEKA will produce the foundationduring the construction of the stadium. Compatible with the daily requirement of the project, one MB-120W has been shipped to the site. The need for continuous production within a limited period in the project has ensured the choice to be made for MEKA. MEKA preferred for this challenging project enjoy the well-deserved pride of taking a part in the World Cup that will be held in 2018.
MEKA , Uganda'nın WAKISO Bölgesi'nde bir kırma ve eleme tesisinin teslim edildiğini duyurmaktan gurur duyar. MEKA 'nın Afrika'daki birçok proje için güvenilir bir ortak haline gelmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. Tesisin tamamını kendi bünyemizde tasarlayıp üretebilmemiz, müşterilerimizin kalite ve güvenilirlik beklentilerine hizmet etmemizi sağladı.
MoreMEKA contributes to Georgia's hydroelectric developments by providing the M100 mobile concrete batching plant for two major power plant projects in the Guria region. With a production capacity of 100 m³ per hour and durable features designed for challenging environments, MEKA ensures efficient concrete production, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in global infrastructure projects.
MoreThe Tunisian company, one of the largest contracting companies in the country, which will realize the important highway project in Tunisia, did not want to take risks in this critical project and preferred MEKA MB-100W batching plant.
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