The Qatar’s capital city – Doha will have one of the most advanced metro systems in the world by the end of 2019.UNStudio, the company responsible of the project’s design, which is called "Vaulted Spaces” highlighted the region’s vernacular architecture, acting as a bridge between the country’s past and future. Design of the project derived from the historic Islamic architecture using it in a modern way.
The “Doha Metro” project will be one of the most advanced rail transit systems in the world. It will have four lines with an approximate overall length of 300 km and 100 metro stations. It will be an integral component of the larger Qatar Rail network, which will include a long-distance rail for passengers and freight, linking Qatar to the GCC, and Lusail's city local light rail transit (LRT).
The main contractor and company overlooking the construction of this ambitious project is a Saudi company Saudi Binladin Group. For such a large-scale project that requires huge amounts of ready-mixed giant in cement, aggregates and ready-mix production – Lafarge was chosen as a ready-mix supplier.
Project’s daily demand for ready-mixed is more than 2000 m3. From past to nowadays MEKA Plants has been justifying the confidence of Lafarge. Therefore, basing on the experience of previous years, Lafarge has not retreated from its partnership with MEKA when it comes to choose a worthy and reliable equipment. On the other hand, the prime contractor Saudi Binladin Group is also a partner and an old client of MEKA on his projects.
MEKA presented to the project it’s renewed product - Stationary MEKA MB-180W (180 m³/h). was installed and commissioned at the Lafarge’s worksite near the Al Rayyan highway, located right in the center of the project.
Being significant and at the same time important project not only for the capital city Doha, but also for the whole Qatar, it has become a new direction in growing partnership between MEKA and Lafarge.
MEKA , Uganda'nın WAKISO Bölgesi'nde bir kırma ve eleme tesisinin teslim edildiğini duyurmaktan gurur duyar. MEKA 'nın Afrika'daki birçok proje için güvenilir bir ortak haline gelmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. Tesisin tamamını kendi bünyemizde tasarlayıp üretebilmemiz, müşterilerimizin kalite ve güvenilirlik beklentilerine hizmet etmemizi sağladı.
MoreMEKA contributes to Georgia's hydroelectric developments by providing the M100 mobile concrete batching plant for two major power plant projects in the Guria region. With a production capacity of 100 m³ per hour and durable features designed for challenging environments, MEKA ensures efficient concrete production, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in global infrastructure projects.
MoreThe Tunisian company, one of the largest contracting companies in the country, which will realize the important highway project in Tunisia, did not want to take risks in this critical project and preferred MEKA MB-100W batching plant.
MoreThe Mexican aggregate production industry is evolving faster than ever. The increasing demand for roads, housing and infrastructure in the country creates a need to produce more and more raw materials at competitive prices with minimal environmental impact. The constant and consistent supply of quality aggregates is one of the industry’s prime challenges.