In 2010, MEKA established 2 of MB-30WS 30m3/s capacityfor "Master" LTD and "Stroykom" LTD companies in Kamchatka Peninsula which is the furthest region of Russia. Although they are close to Asian producers who has relative reasonable prices Kamchatka constructers preferred MEKA after visiting MEKA that are operating in Siberia and centre of Russia.
Block shaped modular structure of MB-30WS allows fully equipped plant to fit in 2 open top containers of 40. In this way, the plants were brought to Kamchatka from Ankara by sea with 2 grass containers of 40 for each plant. The route being followed: Mediterranean - Suez Canal - Indian Ocean - Pacific Ocean – Sea of Japan - Sea of Okhotsk – Petropavlovsk – Kamchatsky Harbour. In spite of the long distance, delivery to Kamchatka was done in 45 days. MEKA plants flawlessly working in Kamchatka now help to resolve the region’s biggest problem by reconstructing old and worn-out houses
MEKA , Uganda'nın WAKISO Bölgesi'nde bir kırma ve eleme tesisinin teslim edildiğini duyurmaktan gurur duyar. MEKA 'nın Afrika'daki birçok proje için güvenilir bir ortak haline gelmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. Tesisin tamamını kendi bünyemizde tasarlayıp üretebilmemiz, müşterilerimizin kalite ve güvenilirlik beklentilerine hizmet etmemizi sağladı.
MoreMEKA contributes to Georgia's hydroelectric developments by providing the M100 mobile concrete batching plant for two major power plant projects in the Guria region. With a production capacity of 100 m³ per hour and durable features designed for challenging environments, MEKA ensures efficient concrete production, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in global infrastructure projects.
MoreThe Tunisian company, one of the largest contracting companies in the country, which will realize the important highway project in Tunisia, did not want to take risks in this critical project and preferred MEKA MB-100W batching plant.
MoreThe Mexican aggregate production industry is evolving faster than ever. The increasing demand for roads, housing and infrastructure in the country creates a need to produce more and more raw materials at competitive prices with minimal environmental impact. The constant and consistent supply of quality aggregates is one of the industry’s prime challenges.