Despite the process is a very important part in a plant, the screening quality and precision has the highest influence on the overall efficiency of all equipment. As the heart of &screening plant, vibrating screen is used for classifying the material by size in every stage of the process from the feeding phase up to the final product separation. The different size of materials mixing with each other and increase in returning material amount caused by low screening efficiency means low profitability for every &screening plant.
Developed after long term analysis and researches, MEKA MS and MGS Series inclined vibrating screens are designed in different types with proper vibration features for the various types and sizes of materials, thus we can offer easily the most efficient solutions to our customers.
As a combination of high quality component selection, reliable design and excellent productivity, MEKA MS and MGS Series inclined vibrating screens are trouble-free, robust solution for our customers who may consider to replace the old vibrating screen with the new one or to add another production line to their sites or to have a complete &screening plant.
MEKA , Uganda'nın WAKISO Bölgesi'nde bir kırma ve eleme tesisinin teslim edildiğini duyurmaktan gurur duyar. MEKA 'nın Afrika'daki birçok proje için güvenilir bir ortak haline gelmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. Tesisin tamamını kendi bünyemizde tasarlayıp üretebilmemiz, müşterilerimizin kalite ve güvenilirlik beklentilerine hizmet etmemizi sağladı.
MoreMEKA contributes to Georgia's hydroelectric developments by providing the M100 mobile concrete batching plant for two major power plant projects in the Guria region. With a production capacity of 100 m³ per hour and durable features designed for challenging environments, MEKA ensures efficient concrete production, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in global infrastructure projects.
MoreThe Tunisian company, one of the largest contracting companies in the country, which will realize the important highway project in Tunisia, did not want to take risks in this critical project and preferred MEKA MB-100W batching plant.
MoreThe Mexican aggregate production industry is evolving faster than ever. The increasing demand for roads, housing and infrastructure in the country creates a need to produce more and more raw materials at competitive prices with minimal environmental impact. The constant and consistent supply of quality aggregates is one of the industry’s prime challenges.