Energy is one of the indispensable life sources of our day, which is being used by humanity almost in all areas. The daily increasing need for energy has driven humankind to search for different sources of energy. As a result, alternative ways to generate energy have also emerged. The best example for alternative energy generation is Atomic Energy generated in nuclear power plants. Nuclear Energy meets approximately 17% of the energy requirement of our times. Some countries meet majority of their energy demand through nuclear plants. For example, according to the data of the International Atomic Energy Agency, France meets 75% of its energy need through nuclear energy, while America meets only 15%.
There are more than 400 Nuclear Power Plants in the world and 100 of these are located in America. Although Nuclear Plants still have some potential risks, they have been made more efficient than the traditional Thermal Power Plants and more reliable with respect to their damage to the environment. Atomic Energy Science Institute, Russian Scientists and Russia itself, who holds the title of Nuclear Plant world specialist, are contributing to the todays use of atomic energy and it can not be denied. It is necessary to note that the atomic energy researches and the nuclear power plant investments, made from the past to the present, the Chernobyl tragedy, although very sad, have all been very important sources of experience for Russia 10 Nuclear Plants in Russia currently generate approximately 25,242 MW of electricity and this figure meets 18% of the energy need.
ROSATOM (State Atomic Energy Organization), which has its eyes fixed on the plants, aims to increase nuclear energy generation by 4-fold until 2030. Thus, it is necessary to plan to renovate the available plants and build new ones. As per the resolution announced by the Russian State in 2011, the expired uranium cores will be replaced and the Kursk-2 Power Plant will be constructed in place of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, which needs modernization. In the Kursk-2 Nuclear Power Plant project, construction of four atomic energy units is foreseen. Each unit will generate 1,225 GW of electricity. It is planned to take the first unit into operation in 2020 and the other 3 units gradually in 2026. The Kursk-2 Project will be located on the area of 200 hectares in total. ROSATOM, which has started the preparations for the project in 2011, plans to have the construction of the first unit started at the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016.
The main contractor of the project - the NIAEP Company had been continuing its investigations for a hat will meet the standards within the scope of the project since 2013. Considering that this project has zero tolerance for mistakes and special recipe production is required within the scope of the project; it has become inevitable for the batch plant supplier to be a professional company. Following a long competitive race, MEKA earned the right to participate in the tender with its technical structure that can meet all standards, its experience, perfect service understanding and a dozen of energy sector references. Two that were going to be prepared required extraordinary hardware and these plants needed to be unique production.
Primary and most important specification for the to be produced under challenging construction conditions for Nuclear Plant is zero radiation conductivity along with unmatched strength to carry gigantic structures and at the same time hydro and heat resistance. Almost 10 filler materials will be used inproduction and equal number of various additives. In the recipes, that have been developed by ROSATOM and NIAEP especially for the Kursk-2 Power Plant, the use of special radiation absorbent fillers that are non-conductive for radiation beams has been mandated. With the awareness that this project was an investment for the future generations to be offered to the benefit of mankind MEKA started its studies to develop an unmatched batch plant in line with the special requirements and in compliance with international standards. Accordingly, based on the MB- 120W and the MB-100W models already available in its production range, and with certain modifications and additions, MEKA has developed 2 unique plants that would be approved by ROSATOM and NIAEP.
Prior to the production of the related , MEKA has worked on the R&D of a New Alloy Steel to be used in the constructions and obtained its certification by patented organizations. MEKA also developed a new type of weighing system especially for this project. Continuing its tests since the beginning of 2014, MEKA received positive news in the fall of the same year: "MEKA has become the reliable and professional partner of Russian Nuclear Power Plants" 5
Due to the high demand for aggregates in southeastern Anatolia Türkiye, CANTOMA, wanted to install a new crushing plant in the limestone quarry to increase production capacity and the quality of the end products. MEKA has been chosen as partner for this new strategic project. A complete new crushing plant with 1000 tons/hour capacity was delivered for the production of concrete aggregates and manufactured sand.
MoreMEKA , Uganda'nın WAKISO Bölgesi'nde bir kırma ve eleme tesisinin teslim edildiğini duyurmaktan gurur duyar. MEKA 'nın Afrika'daki birçok proje için güvenilir bir ortak haline gelmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. Tesisin tamamını kendi bünyemizde tasarlayıp üretebilmemiz, müşterilerimizin kalite ve güvenilirlik beklentilerine hizmet etmemizi sağladı.
MoreMEKA contributes to Georgia's hydroelectric developments by providing the M100 mobile concrete batching plant for two major power plant projects in the Guria region. With a production capacity of 100 m³ per hour and durable features designed for challenging environments, MEKA ensures efficient concrete production, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in global infrastructure projects.
MoreThe Tunisian company, one of the largest contracting companies in the country, which will realize the important highway project in Tunisia, did not want to take risks in this critical project and preferred MEKA MB-100W batching plant.