The Kayabeyi Dam and Akıncı HPP Project being constructed on the Kula River by Türkerler, one of the leading contractors in Turkey, is planned to be completed this year. In this important project, a 195 m³ RCC Plant and a 120m³/hr capacity MB-120W Stationary supplied by MEKA, are being used.
The Türkerler company has significant know-how and business experience accumulation in public and private sector tenders, privatizations and associations. Türkerler, implementing contracts in infrastructure and superstructure works, plans to achieve a total construction volume of 3,000,000 square meters throughout Turkey, starting from 1993 and up to 2015.
The Türkerler Group, whose main business is construction, has focused on energy in the recent years. The Group is investing in wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, solar energy and thermic energy projects. It also has international partnerships in the field of natural gas distribution and trade. Having made an investment of 550 million TL in the sector, Türkerler holds the licenses of 12 hydroelectric power plants in different areas in Turkey. One of the projects of the company that is currently in progress is the Kayabeyi Dam and Akıncı Hydroelectric Power Plant Project.
The project located on the Kula River in the Çıldır district of Ardahan; also stand out with its technical features. The facility being constructed holds the feature of an RCC (roller compressed dam, with a height of 145 meters from the thalweg and 740,000 m³ filling volume. The project, which also includes a 360 meters long derivation tunnel of 6 meters in diameter, 2,620 meters long energy tunnel of 4 meters in diameter, surge shaft and plant building, will be completed in 2013. At the facility of 77.5 MW installed power, it is planned to generate 343.7 GWh electricity annually.
In the ongoing project, 195 m³/s RCC and 120m³/hr capacity MB-120W manufactured by MEKA are being used. In the RCC plant, two 4.5 m³ double-shaft mixers are available on the main chassis, the high-resistance Ni-hard alloy casing wear-proof surfaces, and the mixer and scraper blades have been specially designed for the compressed to be produced. This plant, in addition to its hassle-free operation under extreme conditions thanks to the use of high quality products and its special design, it has also been designed and manufactured to meet the high amounts of cdemand within a limited time. MEKA has smoothly served in many similar special projects in the past and has evolved into a priority choice through its proven success and quality in this field.
The Kayabeyi Dam and Akıncı HPP Project being constructed on the Kula River by Türkerler, one of the leading contractors in Turkey, is planned to be completed this year. In this important project, a 195 m³ RCC Plant and a 120m³/hr capacity MB-120W Stationary supplied by MEKA, are being used.
The Türkerler company has significant know-how and business experience accumulation in public and private sector tenders, privatizations and associations. Türkerler, implementing contracts in infrastructure and superstructure works, plans to achieve a total construction volume of 3,000,000 square meters throughout Turkey, starting from 1993 and up to 2015.
The Türkerler Group, whose main business is construction, has focused on energy in the recent years. The Group is investing in wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, solar energy and thermic energy projects. It also has international partnerships in the field of natural gas distribution and trade. Having made an investment of 550 million TL in the sector, Türkerler holds the licenses of 12 hydroelectric power plants in different areas in Turkey. One of the projects of the company that is currently in progress is the Kayabeyi Dam and Akıncı Hydroelectric Power Plant Project.
The project located on the Kula River in the Çıldır district of Ardahan; also stand out with its technical features. The facility being constructed holds the feature of an RCC (roller compressed dam, with a height of 145 meters from the thalweg and 740,000 m³ filling volume. The project, which also includes a 360 meters long derivation tunnel of 6 meters in diameter, 2,620 meters long energy tunnel of 4 meters in diameter, surge shaft and plant building, will be completed in 2013. At the facility of 77.5 MW installed power, it is planned to generate 343.7 GWh electricity annually.
In the ongoing project, 195 m³/s RCC and 120m³/hr capacity MB-120W Stationary manufactured by MEKA are being used. In the RCC plant, two 4.5 m³ double-shaft mixers are available on the main chassis, the high-resistance Ni-hard alloy casing wear-proof surfaces, and the mixer and scraper blades have been specially designed for the compressed to be produced. This plant, in addition to its hassle-free operation under extreme conditions thanks to the use of high quality products and its special design, it has also been designed and manufactured to meet the high amounts of demand within a limited time. MEKA has smoothly served in many similar special projects in the past and has evolved into a priority choice through its proven success and quality in this field.
MEKA , Uganda'nın WAKISO Bölgesi'nde bir kırma ve eleme tesisinin teslim edildiğini duyurmaktan gurur duyar. MEKA 'nın Afrika'daki birçok proje için güvenilir bir ortak haline gelmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değil. Tesisin tamamını kendi bünyemizde tasarlayıp üretebilmemiz, müşterilerimizin kalite ve güvenilirlik beklentilerine hizmet etmemizi sağladı.
MoreMEKA contributes to Georgia's hydroelectric developments by providing the M100 mobile concrete batching plant for two major power plant projects in the Guria region. With a production capacity of 100 m³ per hour and durable features designed for challenging environments, MEKA ensures efficient concrete production, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in global infrastructure projects.
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